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Chair - Dr Susan Wylie

Mr John Greer

Mrs Irene Anderson 

Mrs Alice MacDonald

Mrs Margaret McPhater

Mr Alexander Haddow

Mr Simon Dawe


Legacies and gifts help us employ more staff, run better

activities and provide new equipment  for the ever-changing

needs of our residents.  In the past, kind donations have meant

that we were able to build the extension, known as the "Ferguson

Wing" and create our Multi-Sensory Reminiscence Garden.

How can I make a donation or leave a legacy?

* By Cheque (please make cheques payable to Richmond House)

and post to: The Manager, Richmond House, Drummond Terrace, Crieff, Perthshire, PH7 4AF

* Online via the My Donate BT website: All payments made are secure.

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