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We believe a high staff/resident ratio is key to a happy home.

Higher staffing levels ensure that residents receive person-

centred care have more satisfying social interactions,

experience healthy ageing and a better quality of life.

It also means that residents are able to access attention

when they need rather than waiting on care staff to be free.

Additionally, it means that residents are encouraged to move

more, and are at a reduced risk of things such as bed sores, accidents, or distress if there are people around to be on hand. As an independent charity care home, Richmond House is able to tailor the staffing needs around the residents in the home – not the other way around. Richmond House aim to operate on a staffing level of 1:3 or 1:4 – this means 1 member of care

staff per 3-4 residents (this does not include activity, domestic and auxiliary staff).

All our Senior Care Assistants are required to have an SVQ 3 in Health & Social Care, and all Care Assistants must undertake an SVQ 2. Our staff also regularly undertake training in a wide range of subjects including medication,  dementia, manual handling, continence, palliative care and fire

safety. The management of Richmond House is overseen by our Board of Trustees, each of whom

have a particular interest in Richmond House. The daily running of the home and the overall care

of our residents is overseen by our Manager and Deputy Manager (Both SSSC Registered Managers).  

We also have an Activities Coordinator (we are a NAPA registered organisation) who provides and organises a wide range of activities for residents during the week. This includes both group and one-to-one activities. Our Activity Programme varies from week-to-week but includes activities such as craft, concerts, bus trips, interaction with other local community groups (e.g. Soroptomists, LOGOS Youth Project, Songbirds, etc.) Our staff love to socialise with our residents too and we hold staff and resident 'social afternoons' where all can get together for an afternoon of fun games and socialising.


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